Increase Equity
We work to reduce the “Motherhood penalty” in work and the “Fatherhood penalty” at home. For mothers and fathers, this means ensuring career breaks, flexible working and part-time working are supported options with minimal detriment to career progression. For fathers, this means ensuring that working dads have access to equal levels of parental leave, pay and support and are able to “Parent Out Loud” in the workplace. We believe this approach will greatly reduce gender pay and pension gaps.
Drive Impact
Advising organisations on how they can develop best in class policies and employee support in areas such as equal parental leave, fertility, menopause, LGBTQ+ families, elder age caring and domestic abuse support.
Influence Change
We don’t just want our work to stop at increasing family friendly inclusion in insurance industry, we want to influence change at a government level and we do this by talking to MPs, change makers and participating in All Party Parliamentary Groups (APPGs).